The Australian Institute of Environmental Health
«Welcome to the Australian Institute of Environmental Health’s new Portal. It has been approximately two and a half years since we last redesigned our website and in that time we have simply outgrown the capacity of our design. In designing our new Portal, we spoke with many members about what they would like to see and what they accessed the most on our website. Based on these discussions, the new AIEH website now begins with the Portal (, the highlights of what is most important. In the Portal you can immediately access Conferences, Workshops, the Environmental Health Journal, AIEH Accredited Courses and our various Professional Tools. AIEH, as the peak professional body, can also be accessed from the Portal by clicking AIEH – Peak Professional Body. This section of the website presents you with the familiar menus similar to our previous website, but in a new layout and with easy to navigate menu bars: Branch Information, Employment Opportunities, Policies, SIGs, Newsletters, Events can all be found here.
The What’s New section of the website now has its own scroll bar to make navigation easier and to better accommodate the wealth of information that is uploaded on a regular basis.
The Employment Opportunity page has also been revamped providing a more user friendly experience. Please remember that some sections of the website e.g. the Environmental Health Journal, Newsletters, Policies, etc are accessible to members only. If you have forgotten your username and password, please contact your Executive Officer. You can find their contact information at the top right menu bar under Contact Us. Some sections (What is Environmental Health?) and functions (Search) of the new Portal are still under development and we ask for your patience as we work with our web master to roll these out over the next few weeks.
Finally, I would like to thank all our members who have helped us with this project. Your suggestions, comments and ideas have been invaluable.
The new design of the AIEH website is dynamic and designed to be continuously changing, evolving and engaging. We hope you take time to click through the new website.We always welcome suggestions and comments.»
Esta é mais uma organização, à qual aconselho uma visita e que em breve, à semelhança de muitas outras (algumas já aqui referenciadas), passará a constar num "local" específico do "Saúde Ambiental. Salud Ambiental. Environmental Health. Santé Environnementale."
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