Saúde Ambiental. Salud Ambiental. Environmental Health. Santé Environnementale.
Para que se saiba mais sobre Saúde Ambiental, Saúde Pública, Segurança Alimentar, Segurança e Higiene do Trabalho, Educação Ambiental. Para que se saiba mais sobre nós, Técnicos de Saúde Ambiental.
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segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2007

International Federation of Environmental Health

Recolhemos, no Saúde Ambiental 07, a informação das organizações que constituem a International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) e que oportunamente iremos visitar, fazendo, nessa altura, alusão aos conteúdos que eventualmente lá iremos encontrar.

Entretanto, acerca da IFEH - e sem tradução - referimos que ela trabalha para «disseminate knowledge concerning environmental health and promote co-operation between countries where environmental health issues are transboundary. It promotes the interchange of people working in this sector and the exchange of Member's publications of a scientific and technical nature.

Amongst other things, the Federation seeks to provide means of exchanging information and experience on environmental health, to hold Congresses and meetings to discuss subjects relevant to environmental health science and administration, to represent the interests of environmental health to state agencies, national governments and international organisations and to promote field studies of environmental health control.

The Federation is an organisation whose full members are national associations representing the interests of environmental health professionals throughout the World. Applications forms for membership can be downloaded from the member section.

Other organisations with an interest in environmental health may become associate members. Organisations, which are involved in the educational field (for instance Universities training environmental health professionals) are eligible to become Academic Associate Members. Other bodies with an interest in environmental health (such as regional associations, NGOs, etc) may become Associate Members. Applications forms for these classes of membership can be downloaded from the member section

Vejam mais acerca da IFEH aqui.

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