Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors
Vision: Health Protection: Cornerstone of Public Health
Mission Statement: Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI) advances the profession, science and field of Environmental Public Health through certification, advocacy, education and setting standards. We protect the health of Canadians and represent environmental public health professionals across Canada.
CERTIFICATION: the Board of Certification is the organizational body for certification on behalf of the Institute. The certification process guarantees that the highest standards for entry into the profession are met.
INFORMATION: CIPHI provides ongoing opportunities for professional development. CIPHI interacts strongly within the International environmental health community and is proactive in advancing the science of environmental health.
ADVOCACY: CIPHI works to protect the health of all Canadians on environmental issues while promoting the science of environmental health and the profession.
Seguindo a hiperligação, clicando na imagem, poderão aceder ao sítio do Instituto Canadiano de Inspectores de Saúde Pública e a partir daí conhecer um pouco mais acerca desta organização.
Adianto, desde já, que pelo que me apercebi, esta organização dispõe do denominado Board of Certification, responsável pelo reconhecimento, após exame, das competências necessárias para o ingresso na respectiva profissão.
Pasmem-se!... Só encontrei seis escolas referenciadas como tendo cursos com conteúdo curricular aprovado:
- Ryerson University, Toronto, ON
- British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, BC
- Concordia University College of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
- Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS
- NB Community College – Bathurst, Bathurst, NB
- First Nations University of Canada, Regina, SK
Nós temos quantas??
Fonte: Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors
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